Star Check Writer is a Windows and Mac software application which helps users in filling data for printing money checks. It keeps track of every transaction with the History function. It also assists users in balancing the check account, keeping records, storing accounts and payees, etc.
Star Check Writer is not complex, it has a simple interface and anyone can learn how to use it. The program can be set to print wallet- or voucher-size checks; once this has been set up, users can fill out the required fields and print out the check.
The program stores payees information, such as names, account, and amount. This way, the users can search for a payee and save time when filling out check information. Also the Check History keeps track of past transactions, including the related name, amount, date, etc. Star Check Writer has default check sizes, but it also allows customizing the size and setting up different printers. Users can select width, height, date and other field sizes in order to fit perfectly the check papers. In addition, the program has a reporting function, which displays detailed transaction information ready to be printed.
The program functions aren’t very clear, but by using the Help users can get to working with it soon enough.
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